Wednesday, March 31, 2010

On Car Seats

The search for a car seat is very closely tied to our emotions as mothers. After all, it is your baby's safety we are talking about here. I must admit that when we got our first car seat, I didn't really know the difference between most of them and honestly, I still don't, but I do know a bit more and most importantly, I know where to look for information.

My husband I had picked out a user friendly travel system that worked well for us, and as I soon found out, was a very popular choice for many moms I knew. It makes you feel a little better. At 6 months of age, my baby was rapidly reaching a size that he was getting too big for his carrier/car seat and it was time to upgrade his seat. Since he was still young, we needed to choose a convertible for him and after much research and confusion and more research, I found one I liked and ordered it. We are now happily in our new seat and it is working well.

So, here are a few things I learned on the way to getting our new seat.

- is a great site to get input from lots of different moms. They also have some certified technicians on the site that can help you with questions you may have. You can even search for threads that talk about your specific type of car and what car seats work well.

- Most state requirements say to keep a baby rear facing at the least until 20lbs and 1 year of age. I read somewhere that 35lbs is the updated recommendation, but states still say 20lbs. Mostly though, the recommendation is as long as possible. Most convertible car seats go up to 35lbs rear-facing, the one I got is actually rated for up to 45lbs rear-facing which I think is the highest available. Most likely I'll have to turn him around when his legs get too long, but at least I can keep him rear-facing for an extended time.

- All car seats have to meet certain safety standards. You may be able to find individual testing scores from each of the manufacturers, but I couldn't find any place that compares the safety of different seats. I was able to find ease of use comparisons, but that is about it.

- Never ever, buy a used seat from someone you don't know. A car seat should never be used if it has been in an accident. Even if it shows no sign of wear or damage, it is considered unsafe for use after an accident and any warranties will be void. Unfortunately, your best option is just to buy new.

- Car seats come with expiration dates. Yep, that is something I didn't know. Most last 5-6 years, so check the paperwork with the seat. My new seat has an extended usage of 8 years. Again, this is a reason to buy new, used seats may be past their date.

- Always register the seat. That way the manufacturer can contact you in case of recalls or problems. This is so important. It is your kid's safety after all.

I hope this info helps! Good luck with your search!

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