Saturday, June 19, 2010

On Cloth Diapering - On the Go

If ever there was something I wouldn't find myself doing it is cloth diapering on the go. Now, I use cloth diapers at home and I love them. Sure, I have to do laundry more often, but that is way better than taking the trash out all of the time. Aside from that, it really isn't much different than using disposables. When the baby is wet or dirty, you change the diaper. And while I know that I have two things to put on (diaper and cover) as opposed to a single all-in-one diaper/cover option, those are still available.

In any case, I did use disposables while out and about because I figured it was easier than carrying around a dirty diaper. I noticed however, that when I went to the grocery store, my yoga class, or my mommy group meetings that I wasn't always changing his diaper. I'd get home and leave him in the disposable until it was time to change him. I started feeling like it was a waste to change him to a disposable just because we were going out. This got me to thinking that maybe keeping him in a cloth diaper wasn't that difficult.

Under the direction of a fellow cloth diapering mom, I picked up a camping bag at a local store which is way cheaper than using a wet bag made specifically for diapers. With this bag, I can carry around wet or soiled diapers and keep the mess contained. The bag is also completely washable so if it gets dirty from the diapers, I can just throw it in the laundry with the diapers. When I purchased the bag, I chose a package of three bags so if one is dirty or in the laundry, I always have a back up.

This is great for my day-to-day life. I no longer worry about putting a new disposable diaper on him every time we leave just in case I have to change him. I just make sure to have diapers along with me. I do carry extra disposables in his diaper bag just in case I run out, but that hardly happens.

I am also going to add some more plain baby wash cloths to my collection to use as travel wipes, after all, I use cloth wipes at home too. These wipes will be carried dry and moistened in a sink one at a time. I'll carry them in a small cosmetic bag and put them in the wet bag with the diaper after use.

Now, at this point, I'm not brave enough to cloth diaper on trips. We'll see if my opinion changes over time. For now, if I'm carrying around a dirty diaper for a couple hours I figure it's not that big of a deal. I don't really want to do it for a couple of days. In any case, this works for me for now. I hope you are encouraged to try it yourself!

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